Andrew's Wanderings on the Trail of Life

... the view from my vistas

Friday, August 25, 2006

New Student Outreach

Tomorrow we start New Student Outreach wich is probably the most defining moment for what the fellowhsip will look like over the next year.

Our activities will include:
Helping freshmen move into there dorms by lofting beds, carringing boxes, being avalable to drive them to the store or whatever. Pray that we would be bold in forming relationships with freshmen and that trust would naturally develop.

Providing an "information table" during the 'spritual life fair.' Pray that we would redily be able to communicate our vision and that freshmen will get exited about that vision.

Lots of 'hanging out' in the dorms and at oreintation events. Pray that this would not be wasted time, but time where trust is built between us and freshmen.

Thank you for your prayers. Pray BIG!!!