Andrew's Wanderings on the Trail of Life

... the view from my vistas

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

End of Block I

I have just completed the first block of the year here at Colorado College. The class: Surface Processes and Geomophology (translation: things moving down hill- why the sufrace of the earth looks like it does). It was a good class, but slightly odd. There were intense peeks of work, but overall a fairly low level of stress. The picture is from one of our field trips.

Other things of note this past block included:

-Completion of the duck project. (You know what I am talking about. )

-Trying to start a Freshman Bible study for InterVarsity. No one ever showed up (maybe because no one was ever invited). I am still working to process what exactly went down there. Quite clearly my method of trying to connect with people in the freshman dorm was inneffective. As my co-leaders and I have many connections with international/multicultural students we are planning on re-directing our energies into a small group/bible study with a focus on cross cultutal issues and a target of cross-cultural people. We are excited to see what happenes there.
Overall it seems as though there has been good sucess with other efforts relating to InterVarsity (locally known as five smooth stones). Are large group meetings have been very sucessfull this block with Don Everets a who discussed "the four turds in the punchbowl placed there by Jesus at a party of the Pharasies. It seems as though his messages intrigued and challenged people in awsome ways.

-The joys and pains of ajusting to new living conditions. Cooking your own food takes a lot of effort! I very much do think its woth it, however.