Andrew's Wanderings on the Trail of Life

... the view from my vistas

Friday, August 25, 2006

New Student Outreach

Tomorrow we start New Student Outreach wich is probably the most defining moment for what the fellowhsip will look like over the next year.

Our activities will include:
Helping freshmen move into there dorms by lofting beds, carringing boxes, being avalable to drive them to the store or whatever. Pray that we would be bold in forming relationships with freshmen and that trust would naturally develop.

Providing an "information table" during the 'spritual life fair.' Pray that we would redily be able to communicate our vision and that freshmen will get exited about that vision.

Lots of 'hanging out' in the dorms and at oreintation events. Pray that this would not be wasted time, but time where trust is built between us and freshmen.

Thank you for your prayers. Pray BIG!!!

Vision, Method, and Ongoing Prayer Requests


As a community at Colorado College IV/Five Smooth Stones is in the process of preforming a radical expriment in listening to the word of God and then, as a community, immedeatly applying the scripture in the context of our community. My friend and colligue Nathaniel Kidd, suporbely summerized our vision in an email to an incoming freshman here is what he had to say:

"As the Five Smooth Stones, we draw our name and our inspiration from the story of David and Goliath, and the observation that God uses small, weak, inexperienced people who trust in Him to overcome the mighty forces of the enemy. So too we as a community are small, weak, inexperienced—even fearful from time to time—but still we have a deep hunger to hear and follow Jesus in the midst of the difficulty and uncertainty we face on campus.

"Our desire as a community is to engage in the radical experiment of listening to the Word of God and doing it in our lives at CC, and when God shows up, we look forward to witnessing lives transformed by the Gospel, and even participating in revival and renewal on the campus.

"Our primary method for doing this is going to be through small “Scripture Application” groups; we’ll have at least one meeting in each Freshman dorm, and possibly others as the Spirit leads. These groups will meet once a week around a passage of Scripture—we will study and discuss it for about fifteen to thirty minutes, and then immediately go out and take it for a test drive in the dorm/campus/city context as appropriate. Then, as a community, we will continue to support, encourage, and pray for one another as we attempt the difficult and daring task of living by the uncomfortable words we hear from Jesus."

Prayer Requests

Some key ongoing prayer requests are summerized below:

~Pray that we as a community would have ears to clearly hear what scripture is saying to us, in our context. Pray that we would be inspired by the Holy Spirit in how we should apply those scriptures, and walk in His power, not in fear as we follow him.

~Pray that I would have wisdom in time management. I am prioritizing this internship (a ~20 hour a week commitment) but also attempting to maintane a full-time status as a student at Colorado College. Pray that I would have faith as I submit my achedemic preformace (which is often a tempting Idol for me) to the Lordship of Christ.

~Pray that I would always rely on Christ as my source of stringth. I know my stringth will fail.

~Pray for my personal life, particularly my relationship with my girlfriend Rachel.

~Finally, if you ever don't know what to pray, pray Isaiah 61:1-4 over me and this fellowship.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Crazy Adventure Ahead!

Hey Friends,
Sorry that I have kept this blog inactive for as long as I have. It's not (particularly) that I have had nothing interesting to write. Mostely I have been lazy, but I have also been a little frustrated with blogger (for there annoying photo loading interface). I think I have found a good way around the issue though, so, here goes nothing.

I will primarily be using this blog over the next year or so as a portal for communicating ministry progress and prayer needs as an intern with InterVarsity Christian Fellowhsip at Colorado College. So, start checking back regularly, 'cuase I will be updating regularly.