Andrew's Wanderings on the Trail of Life

... the view from my vistas

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Foggy White Rock

The past week we have been stuck underneath a quite impressive temprurature inversion in the fog. Today is the worst yet, we can't see the water from our apartment. That said, the light has been beautifull and I have gotten some neat pictures. Enjoy.

Alot of starfish have died recently, I don't have a clue why. The segulls don't seem to mind. Most just peck at them, but this one decided to try to swallow one whole.

When not swallowing rotting starfish whole, the segulls 'dig' for clams by walking in place and liqufying the mud. After they get one, they fly above the rocks and then drop it to break its shell open.

Guess who just walked past.


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